Creating Balance
Through Authentic Choices
Activate your inner diva, identify your purpose, pursue fulfillment and happiness, focusing on your core values and goals. Enjoy the journey!
Are you a Diva?
Divas are authentic. They set new trends and don't care about other's opinion and judgement. Instead of following rules, they create new ones and inspire followers.
From Work-life Balance
To Life Balance
One of the reasons most of us struggle with work-life balance is because we are trying to split our time and energy equally between work and all the rest.
Life is complex and priorities shift constantly, so defining your version of balance and designing a routine that prioritizes it becomes an art.
Let's exchange ideas to create and improve balance.
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Hi Divas,
My name is Renata Gomide
Coming from a lineage of Divas (my mom and grandma's name is Diva), I believe your unique personality, authenticity and intuition are the best tools you have to thrive and design the life you desire.
The mission of Ideas for Divas is to help women making authentic choices to have a balanced life and to pursue career fulfillment.
Inspired to help authentic achievers indivuduals accelerate their career development while designing a fulfilling life, I created Type A Performance to provide Strategic Career and Executive Life Performance Advisory.

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